You own a horse that you board away from home. The boarding facility is professional and takes necessary precautions to ensure they are running a top-notch program. They also have insurance. Do you need insurance as well?
The answer is Yes!
It is important that the boarding facility carries a liability policy for their equine operation but that policy protects them in the event of a claim. You, as the horse owner, also could get named in a claim even if you weren’t present at the time of the incident. In order to get removed from the law suit, you will need to hire an attorney. This is why you need liability insurance for yourself.
A typical policy will run about $275 for the year — a small price to pay for peace of mind.
Give us a call to discuss your liability needs. We’d be happy to give you a quote. If you need quotes for mortality/medical, we can help with that too. Give Ron Johnson a call at 614-875-3755.