As we prepare for the stay-at-home orders to be lifted across the country, here are some guidelines for barn owners to keep in mind:
Limit the number of people on the property at one time to 10 and make sure they are keeping at least 6′ apart.
Wearing masks should be encouraged, especially if the 6′ distancing cannot be adhered to.
Be sure to wash your hands or use sanitizer when you come in contact with items that have been delivered or guests may have handled. Require all people coming onto the property to wash their hands or use hand sanitizer. Sanitize any surfaces/items that are touched by various people such as door handles, gate latches, light switches, hoses, feed scoops, shared tack, etc.
Anyone visiting the property should be asked if they have symptoms of COVID-19 or have had contact with someone showing symptoms. If they have, do not allow them on the property and if you came into contact with them, self-quarantine.
The important thing to remember is that COVID-19 has not disappeared and could resurge. Handwashing requirements and sanitizing surfaces and shared tack/equipment will also help slow the spread of the flu so it would be a good idea to continue some of these practices year-round.
Stay safe.